How many times have you heard the phrase, "You have to see it in person!?" when someone speaks of seeing art? I know I sound like a broken record saying this, but it is so true! When I speak to an individual who has seen one of my works on social and then in person, only to hear them say, "I see now what you mean.", I cannot help but to want to shout out, "I told you so!”, (In the nicest way of course.)
I personally experienced this moment with the painting, Starry Night. For years I had seen it as a poster, online and in various marketing materials. Then, when The Art Institute of Chicago held the Van Gogh exhibit and I saw it "in person", I was taken back by own emotion and reaction to the work
Of course, we all know what we like and gravitate to our preferred styles and tastes, but isn't life that much more exciting when we are proven wrong? Here are some works of mine which I hope you can view in real life.
Of The Earth -This work has texture from the palette knife and incorporates various hues including a bronze metallic color. Seeing it up close makes you feel like you are near earth's soil where beauty is born.

Grass On My Skin -You will also see a bronze metallic layer within her hair, and you might even say it makes you want to ask her where she had her highlights done. I also love the lighter sweeps of color in the leaves, tempting me to pick them like a flower and put them in a vase.

She Dreamt Of Rose In Paris - Much of my work is on linen canvas where you can see the texture of the linen peek through. Maybe it's the rose and pinkish colors, charcoal smudges and even the name, but this piece definitely makes me feel like I am in Paris. .

I invite you to visit where my work is showing or contact me to arrange a visit to see a piece of interest.